Of course I can't sing it without crying my eyes out, who has never felt that longing? Who has never wanted to say that to the person they love? (if they were blessed enough to find love)
Anyway....rambling off I go, I went to Ghana for three weeks, yes, went to recharge the groove, and I spent three weeks there. I have come to think of West Africa, and in particular Kokrobite, as my spiritual home.
As I was on a very tight budget, I paced myself, and was careful about spending unnecessarily. I did, however, allow myself the luxury of decent filter coffee every morning and I bought beads, lots of them, I happily sat making bracelets, and I bought cloth, beautiful cloth.
Whenever a purchase was made and there was the slightest hesitation from my side, as in fumbling in purse, trying to work out how much can be spent, I would hear the following: 'Just dash me from your heart' and I would inevitably feel a frisson of hesitation. Why was that?
This is the delicious hassle my mind pondered, and I had all the time in the world to do so.
Eventually it came to me, because, as I took out the money, I would always wonder if the offering would be considered sufficient and would that offering reflect a generous spirit or a stingy one? Would it be enough?
After all, it comes from the heart na! So, how big is my heart? This quandry resulted in me dashing away and paying much more than I should, as God forbid, I should be known as a bad dasher!
So if there should be a dash-o-meter, how would one rate?
What does it really mean to 'dash from the heart?'
What does it really mean to 'dash from the heart?'
What does this WORD actually mean? I looked it up and here goes: dash:'' spirited action - vigor in action or style,' (as in ' the dancer performed with spirit and dash), or to' give a tip or bribe' , or' to cut a dash -make a striking impression', or 'the dash of the waves could be heard from afar', or' strike with violence' -'the waves dashed against the rocks,' hmmm 'my hopes were dashed' It can also be used as an expletive, as in 'Dash! I forgot my ....whatever' or 'I must dash - go' or 'You look dashing!' hmm
What is clear to me is that there is power in the dash. This is not a word that describes a mediocre action.
What is clear to me is that there is power in the dash. This is not a word that describes a mediocre action.
As in ' The contestants made a mad dash for the prize"
So, when we dash from the heart, we need to dash well and strong. Dashing creates a strong impression and its a spirited action.
What would happen if we dashed someone with evil intent.? It would create considerable damage surely?
So, when we dash from the heart, we need to dash well and strong. Dashing creates a strong impression and its a spirited action.
What would happen if we dashed someone with evil intent.? It would create considerable damage surely?
The dasher might not be aware of the turmoil and hurt to the dashee but it would be there, hopes and dreams would be painfully dashed, and one can just imagine-fantasize- how karma would deal with the evil dasher.
'Dash me from your heart' or 'Give me from your heart' means I want what you have strongly, and I want what you give, to come from, and with LOVE
I love these lyrics from Fela Kuti: Dem wan dash us human right
Human right na my property
You can't dash me my property.
This man knew how to dash from the heart***
'Dash me from your heart' or 'Give me from your heart' means I want what you have strongly, and I want what you give, to come from, and with LOVE
I love these lyrics from Fela Kuti: Dem wan dash us human right
Human right na my property
You can't dash me my property.
This man knew how to dash from the heart***
I am inspired by the dash, and now more than ever, I intend to dash from my heart, I will look dashing as I do so, and I am ready to be well and truly dashed**
Dash away!!!
Spread the love strongly**