I have said this before, but I really do believe in the inherent goodness of people. I try very hard, and these last few months have been 'challenging' or no,......... should I just say it has been a horror/soapie in which I featured, strangely detached, which added to the surrealism and weirdness of it all.
A friend of mine ended off a conversation by saying: 'See you on the flip side' and that phrase has stuck in my mind, as phrases often do.... The first thing I thought about, was the memory of myself, many,many moons ago, clutching a precious ten cent coin, on my way to buy a seven single. I always listened to the flip side first, I guess I was just badass that way!
Soo, I've been pondering the 'flip side' and I realised how important it is, that there is always the 'other'side of any story, event, tragedy......
A friend of mine and fellow godess, married the love of her life the other day. They found each other against all odds, they struggled through the swamp of mistrust, fear, anxiety, and paranoia that haunt us all at times, and they found and built a place of trust and respect. It was a beautiful occasion, and it brought home to me just how powerful Truth and Love can be.
The flip side of this story, is the old man I saw, heartbroken, as well as financially ruined,. staring morosely into a glass of beer in a bar in Ghana, very far from France....
With my friend this didn't happen.. This time LOVE was victorious and they did sail happily into the sunset together, which is as it should be, I feel!! (I know that the 'reality' of a happy ending can come across as naive, which is another thing I have an issue about.)
For a movie to be'realistic', it seems that the couple must split up, or at least be in therapy on a regular basis. Happy endings are seen as 'unrealistic' WHY??????
Do we have a fascination of the 'flip side'? Do we always have to hanker for the forbidden fruit? Must we indulge every fancy and whim to 'gain knowledge'? What kind of knowledge to we sit with at the end?
is it all worth it???
What does the word 'flip' mean?? So many random questions!!!!!
Yes, of course I immediately used the 'Dictionary' app on my black berry...( I still can't get over the fact that I can actually operate this gizmo- a late bloomer indeed.)
A ha! among other verb things, the slang use of flip is the most entertaining. Here goes: ,' to react to something in an astonished, exited, or delighted manner:' 'she nearly flipped over her new man'
OR: to become' insane,irrational, angry, or highly exited' (as in 'flip out')
'an instance of flipping' is also cool.
In the 18th Century, it was the name of an exotic drink - as in 'May I have a Flip please? Yes, with ice, ta dear'
As the word implies, there should be some activity, as in 'flip my lid' or 'I'm flipping pancakes for my family as befits a good mother.(I actually did, but they weren't suitably impressed, so I have to repeat it.)
You could even be 'flippant' and dare to go to the flip side without a body guard and spare change.
The truth of the matter is that I need, as my BF suggested, my own Province.
'Beyond the Flip Side' is where I would like to live. I shall refer to my Province as 'dis here my contri'
I would like to live in a place where people do what they are supposed to do, among all other pressing life issues.
People must primarily be - and spread- Love and Truth. God is Love and Truth. The alternative is the flip side, Hate and Lies. And that is Hell in the making right there.
(Whatever your perception of hell might be.)
My idea of hell is a place where everyone live for themselves and no-one cares about anyone else anymore-my idea of hell is when people start treating each other as expendable goods, where you get upgraded or downgraded, depending on your smart user friendly abilities. (to be stuck in a Mall for all Eternity is another idea of hell, but that's another story......or in a bank with a never ending loop of infomercials......)
My idea of hell is a world where a brilliant musician gets beaten up by thugs because they have 'beef' with him. How dare he play so well? OH GROW UP!!!!
I realised that strong measures will have to be taken to ensure a peaceful stay in 'dis here my contri'
I suggest a gentle debriefing session before taking up residence.
In the words of Oriah Mountain Dreamer:
The Invitation
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living,
I want to know what you ache for,
and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing,
it doesn't interest me how old you are,
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love,
for your dream, for the adventure of being alive'
Spread the love always- be fabulous***