I am sitting with my back against the wall- in front of me is the ever Atlantic, boats, rastas, sellers,coconut trees, soft breeze, the big ease....
Splashes of colour and lilting voices- timeless, wondrous, ancient, a deep steady rythm-it slowly churns up memories deeply buried- it shapes it into soft, uncompromising focus-
Gently confronting and slowly circling - it demands to be remembered and celebrated, deeply grieved-ever living-never dead.
The spirits of those before live in the eyes of the man selling cloth and beads
Rythms in the night rising to a drawn out wail that wraps itself around the heart and gently squeezes and slows down the breathing until it becomes one with all- salt burning away old hurt and mad time.
A moment in time is what you get- will it sustain? Will it give rest and contentment ever?
My soul is aching and strains- it wants to soar without pain.
The throbbing of the heart becomes one and steers in a painful truth-
This is the moment- the only moment
A moment of orange and blue
a moment of burnt, brown sugar
and you
Spread the love-work the moment*****
Nice Blog, come visit mine sometime