Tuesday, 28 February 2012

what a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong

As I was driving around our little town yesterday, I was visually assaulted, yet again, by the screaming headlines of newspapers.



AND: A week ago,  the corpse of a naked and bound woman was discovered stuck in a tree- she was also impaled on a branch that stuck through her throat. This woman's corpse was up in this tree for at least two weeks and no-one saw it.

I pondered on all this horror, trying to imagine the events that lead up to the various assaults and murder and I didn't know what to think. I wanted to know how this happened, what was the story?

What happens inside you to be able to resort to this cruelty?

Why in God's name do you have children if you clearly don't like them?

Was the naked woman asleep when she was stabbed?

Who killed the lady in the tree? Why??? How many helped to get her up the tree? Why????????

The thought struck me that the perpetrators of these heinous crimes actually live in the same town as me- have I passed these people in the street? Maybe even spoken to them?

I experienced such feelings of hopelesness and a wave of futility hit me - What is the point??

And this is it- The original meaning of the word 'sin' is to miss the point. It makes sense doesn't it?

Once you understand this concept the rest becomes much easier. We are here only to create love around us, and to infect as many people as we can with this love.
Nothing else makes sense to me, and the more you spread it, the more it grows and  produces such beautiful results.
God's love is everywhere and free to share with all, it heals, it motivates, it gives answers, it empowers you to such an extent that you find the courage to let go of all that is negative and cruel in yourself.
We have no option but to let go of all the baggage and to move forward - bitterness is so unbecoming!!(and so destructive)

I want to live my life to its fullest, and I want to spread as much love as I possibly can to whoever wants to receive it.
A little boy came to me yesterday, as I was stuck in the time-warp of all this horror. He looked up with a big smile and said: "Mam, you haven't hugged me to-day"
If only this child knew how he blessed me, how I needed that hug, how we all need it.

Is that what went wrong in the lives of the tortured people that caused so much pain to others?
Did they have no love at all?  Why not??????

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